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2017 Tournament of Champions

–>UPDATE: View Tournament of Champions Top 30 Roster / Qualifiers.

2017 Tournament of Champions

2017 Tournament of Champions
Qualifiers, Event Details & Rules Sheet

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Player of the Year Points List

Qualifiers – Top 30 on Points List

As of October 10, 2017

Name: Reset Points Earned: Season Points:
Jim Weinzetl 2500 881.25
Austin Barbin 2250 706.25
Shelly Pinkerton 2000 625
Frank Orbin 1800 620
Bernie Weed 1600 570
Zach Barbin 1400 562.50
Joe Scott 1200 450
Arlene Zamora 900 400
Jack Falkenstein 900 400
Susan Eichler 600 345
Gary Rohrbaugh 480 311.25
Evan Barbin 450 287.50
Don Palmer 450 287.50
Steve Rogers 420 281.25
Andrew Barbin Jr 400 278.75
Ken Hart 380 262.50
Homer Welch 360 255
Keven Lawson 340 237.50
Mike Nelles 320 236.25
Steve Smith 310 212.50
Ray Jones 300 200
Earl Mitchell 290 176.25
Larry Steward 280 167.50
Jack Baldino 270 166.25
Steve Westerfer 260 165
Bob Kern 250 156.25
Mark Sabla 240 145
Dave Whitlock 230 135
Jim French 220 125
Tom Vincenti 210 110
Joan Martin 200 105
Steve Melfa 200 91.25


  • Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s Tournament of Champions is Open to the Top 30 Players from the Player of the Year Points list Final Results.
  • If qualified players from the Top 30 cannot play, then the 31st ranked player and so on will be eligible.


  • Sunday, October 15, 2017
  • Tee Times will start at 10:30 am with lowest positioned player from point list teeing off first
  • The Championship is an Individual 18 Hole Stroke Play event.
  • 80% Handicap Net Championship.
  • The player with the lowest Net Score after the Round is the Champions Cup winner.
  • The Players Handicap will be adjusted based on what teeing ground they are playing from.
  • Your posted USGA Handicap as of October 15th will be used.
  • Player is responsible for notifying club if they have an established handicap at another facility. If CBGC is not notified, the player will be disqualified. The player must use the lowest handicap index they have, no matter what club they belong to.
  • Ladies will play from red markers.
  • Men will play from white markers or where they play from on a regular basis and have registered their current Handicap.
  • Seniors of the age 64 and older may play from the Green Tees.
  • If Any Ties for 2nd thru 30th place exist after handicap adjusted for the Tournament of Champions then the Players will receive the points awarded for that position equally.
    • For example: If 3 players score tied for 5th place- then the points awarded for 5th,6th,7th place will be added together and divided by 3 and each player will receive those calculated points for the Cup to be added to their reset points at start of event to determine  the player of the Year. So scorecard ties will not be broken by the USGA format of last nine, last 6, last 3.
  • A Tie for first place will be determined by playing 3 extra Holes (#1, #2 & #9) to determine the overall winner.
  • The player with the lowest total of strokes net after the 3 holes played will be the winner. If a Player would normally receive a stroke on any of the 3 playoff holes, they would receive the same number of strokes in the playoff and their total gross score will be reduced by that number. (Example if player A score after 3 Holes is 15 and their normal adjusted handicap(80%) would give them a stroke on hole #9 – then the players score will be adjusted to a 14.) If there is a tie after 3 holes – repeat the 3 holes until a winner is determined.


U.S.G.A. Rules Apply

  • USGA rules govern the play of this tournament.
  • Summer rules Apply.
  • Ground under repair will consist of any cart paths – stone or paved.
  • Out of bounds will be marked with a white line or white post.
  • Lateral hazards will be marked with red stakes or red lines.
  • Water hazards will be marked with yellow stakes or yellow lines.
  • Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies).
  • The embedded Ball rule is in play.
  • If there is any doubt on how to determine a rule, play 2 balls:
    • Play original ball where it lies.
    • Play 2nd ball how you determined rule.
  • All rules will remain in effect unless otherwise posted by the Rules Committee.


  • Pace of play will be monitored.
  • Penalty for first offense of slow play will be a warning.
  • After the second offense you will be timed.
  • A third violation will result in a one stroke penalty.


  • Entry Fee: $25 to the Top 30 players taken from the Player of Year Point List.
  • Normal Rates apply.
  • Carts and walking is permitted.


  • Points will be awarded to each player based on the order in which they finish the 18 hole tournament.
  • The highest points total of the player’s RESET POINTS added to the TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPION POINTS will be the 2017 Player of the Year for Chesapeake Bay Golf Club and the Winner will receive the Player of The Year Trophy and $300 credit toward a 2018 Chesapeake Bay Golf Club Golf Membership of their choice – (Note: Payout amount based on 25 players participating).
  • The player who has the lowest 18 hole net score (Using 80% of Handicap) in the Tournament of Champions event will be the Champions Cup winner and receives the 2017 Champions Cup.


  • Lateral Hazards on holes #1, #2, #5, #6, #7, #8, #10, #11, #12 and ponds on holes #5, #6, #11, #12, #14, #17, #18 are marked by red stakes or lines. One shot penalty, drop ball two club lengths from where ball last crossed hazard line.
  • Water Hazards are marked by yellow painted lines and stakes on holes #1, #9, #10.  Must locate point where ball entered hazard.  Follow U.S.G.A. handbook rules for appropriate ball drop.  Take one stroke penalty.
  • Wetlands are marked as Lateral Hazard on #4, #10, and #14 are marked by red stakes with a blue cap or lines.  One shot penalty, drop ball two club lengths from where ball last crossed hazard line.
  • Out of Bounds is defined by inside edge of white stakes left on Holes #1, #3, #4, #10, #11, #12, #14, #15, and #16.  Must replay shot plus one shot penalty.  Play a provisional ball off tee if first ball cannot be determined if out.



