What's Hot

July 2014

Cecil County Wedding Expo

July 31, 2014

Planning a Wedding? We invite you to attend the first ever Cecil County Wedding Expo Sunday, September 7th from 11am – 3pm at Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s North [...]

Teen World Championship

July 31, 2014

US Kids Teen World Championship ~ Pinehurst, NC July 24-26, 2014 Two Chesapeake Bay Golf Club junior golfers, Austin Barbin, Age 13 and Zachary Barbin, Age 15 competed in the [...]

July Ladies Night Sells Out!

July 30, 2014

It was a sell out crowd for this month's Ladies Night at the Blue Heron Grille. Guests were able to purchase items from various home and garden themed vendors and enjoyed a presentation by Christy Michaud, Cecil County's Master Gardener. [...]

Bunker Renovation Plan

July 30, 2014

Golf Course Maintenance News Chesapeake Bay Golf Club has implemented a Bunker Renovation Plan to both courses – by improving drainage, edging and adding sand to the [...]

Net Championship Results

July 29, 2014

Men’s Net Championship ~ Golf Results Congratulations to Dave Archibald for pulling off a victory in Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s Men’s Net Championship with [...]

Confirming Wedding Vendors

July 29, 2014

Congratulations! You have planned your wedding down to the last detail. You have booked the venue, the flowers, the DJ and all the other vendors. You are now just waiting for the day to come. Wait a minute - have you confirmed your vendors? [...]

The Art of Compromise

July 18, 2014

Wedding Planning Tip ~ Learning How to Compromise Marriage is a lifetime of compromises. The day you get engaged you will start the lifelong journey of these compromises. [...]

Ladies Invitational Results

July 18, 2014

Golf Results for the 2014 Ladies Invitational, Tuesday, July 15th at the Rising Sun Course. Vincenti, Shivery, Haiber, and Kegley take Low Gross. [...]

Ladies Night! Home & Garden

July 15, 2014

Blue Heron Grille Special Event! Our popular Ladies Night returns July 29th with a "Home & Garden" theme. $20 Entry includes 4 Course Dinner, vendors & more! [...]

Ladies Chesapeake Cup, Men’s Big 4

July 14, 2014

Golf Results for Ladies Chesapeake Cup and Men's Big 4 Tournaments held July 12-13 at both the North East and Rising Sun courses at Chesapeake Bay Golf Club. [...]
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