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Economos wins Low Gross and Kerr Low Net in 50-69 Bracket. McAtee and Ritter take Low Gross and Net respectively in 70+ bracket.
Congratulations to Chan Lee Chung, Ho Lim Jun, Won Hwang, and Soo Chu - 2017 Ladies Invitational Low Gross Winners.
Congrats to Low Net Al Quarles, Lawrence Faison, Willie Tolbert and Anthony Womack, and Low Gross Team Evan Barbin, Austin Barbin, Andrew Barbin, Jr., and Alan Ahren.
Bill Cummings Low Gross, Gordy Kerr Low Net in 50-69 Bracket. Adams Low Gross, Ritter Low Net in 70+.
Congratulations to our winning team Rohrbaugh, Rogers, Weinzetl and Weed.
Jim Weinzetl fires a 77 to win low gross in the 70+ Age Bracket, and overall for the day.
In their Age Brackets - Bill Cummings and Jim Weinzetl take Low Gross; Bernie Weed and Rex Lee win Low Net.
Zach Barbin & Austin Barbin win with a Low Gross score of 67. Don Palmer & Mike Nelles take Low Net honors with a 57.
Scott Schnell shoots 82, and Joe Scott 83 to win Low Gross in their age brackets.
Mike Myirski, Pete Economos, and Jim Weinzetl take Low Gross in their Age Brackets.
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