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Labor Day Golf Results

Congratulations to our Labor Day Shamble Low Gross Winning Team – Andrew Barbin, Jr, Nate Haney, David Shoemaker, and Hunter Gastin!

Labor Day Shamble – Golf Results
Monday, September 6, 2021

Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s Annual Labor Day Scramble public golf event was held on Monday, September 6, 2021.

The format was a 4 person team Shamble. Always a fun way to celebrate a great summer of golf.

Gross Results

1st Place Andrew Barbin Jr 132
Nate Haney
David Shoemaker
Hunter Gastin
2nd Place Jeff Medlar 141
Mike Fox Sr
Randy Burton
Denise Medlar

Net Results

1st Place Rickey Smith 112*
Mike Nelles
Jesse Crockett Jr
Jesse Crockett Sr
2nd Place Gary Spencer Jr 112
Gary Spencer Sr
Mark Battiner
Josh Parker

*Match of Cards