What's Hot

September 2015

Mullin Selected for Dick Smith Cup

September 28, 2015

Congratulations to Chesapeake Bay Golf Club Assistant Golf Professional Brian Mullin who has been selected to participate in the 23rd Annual Dick Smith Cup Matches that will [...]

Labor Day Mixer Results

September 9, 2015

Results from Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s annual Labor Day Mixer team scramble event Monday, September 7, 2015 at Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s North East Course. [...]

Volker Makes an Ace

September 8, 2015

Congratulations to Christopher Volker who made a Hole in One on Monday, September 7, 2015 on Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s North East Course Hole #16 using his Ping 9 [...]

2-Man Team Tournament

September 8, 2015

New Date! 2 Man Team Tournament is now Saturday, October 10th - 36 Holes Better Ball of Partners at Rising Sun. Open to Public. Sign Up Today! [...]

Cecil Law League Winners

September 3, 2015

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 Congratulations! The “Bud Light Boyz” won the Cecil County Law League 2015. Jake Janney/Dave Graybeal were tied with Chuckie Martin/Matt [...]

Barbins Earn Low Scoring Avg

September 2, 2015

Zach Barbin (pictured right) and Austin Barbin (pictured left) both earn the 2015 Sam Penecale Low Golf Scoring Average Award for the Philadelphia PGA Junior Tour in their age brackets. [...]

Men’s Net Championship Results

September 1, 2015

Congratulations to Homer Welsh who eked out a win over Steve Smith in Chesapeake Bay Golf Club's 2 Day Men's Net Championship Event August 29-30, 2015. [...]