Winners! "A Flight": Low Gross - Joe Scott, Low Net - Al Mingle. "B Flight": Low Gross Harvey Brooks, Low Net - Walt Barlow.
Jim Weinzetl wins Low Gross with an 81, and Peter Economos has Low Net 69.
Scott and Weinzetl tie for Low Gross with a 78, Falkenstein and Mingle tie with a Low Net 66.
Winners! WOMEN'S: Bernie Weed Low Gross, Joan Martin Low Net. MEN'S: Jim Weinzetl Low Gross, Bill Cummings Low Net.
Bill Cummings wins Low Gross with an 85, Jack Falkenstein had Low Net with a 68.
Scott Schnell wins Low Gross with an 79, Gary Adams had Low Net with a 66.
Jim Weinzetl wins Low Gross with an 81, and Bob Johnston takes Low Net.
Joe Scott wins Low Gross with an 80, Al Mingle and Pete Economos tie for Low Net.
Peter Economos wins Low Gross, and Walter Barlow Low Net for the A Flight.
Bill Cummings takes Low Gross Prize, Frank Cortazzo Low Net at Monday’s Senior Golf League.
© 2018 Chesapeake Bay Golf Club