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Red, White & Blue 2021 Golf Results

Fun annual 4th of July event with alternating Tee Box format! Congrats to Gross & Net Winners!

Red, White & Blue 4th of July Annual Event
Golf Results

Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s fun annual 4th of July Red, White & Blue Golf Event was open to the public — with a fun alternating tee box format!

Black White Green Flight

1ST GROSS Rashad Ferguson 74
1ST NET Lou Najera 64
2nd NET Tommy Vincenti 65

White Green Red Flight

1ST GROSS Mike Fox Sr 81
1ST NET Jesse Crockett SR 66
2nd NET Don Palmer 73*

*Match of Cards

Green Red Gold Flight

1ST GROSS Arlene Zamora 79
1ST NET Wendy Webb 67
2nd NET Bernie Weed 68