Nickler-Medlar Win 2017 CBGC League
Congrats to CBGC 2017 League champs Jeff Medlar and Dave Nickler! The “Birdie Bandits” capped off stellar season with win over Dave Harris-Kevin McLaughlin.
CBGC’s Men’s Golf League – Final Results
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Congratulations to Chesapeake Bay Golf 2017 Men’s League champions Jeff Medlar and Dave Nickler (pictured above)!
The “Birdie Bandits” capped off their stellar season with a win over Dave Harris and Kevin McLaughlin (Hit Some Miss Some).
Way to go Jeff and Dave, we look forward to seeing you guys next year! Also, a big thanks to our pro Brian Mullin for running such a great league.
Men’s League Final Photo Gallery

Randy Burton, Tim Killon, Tim Taylor

Kevin McLaughlin, Dave Harris, Dave Nickler, Jeff Medlar

3rd place Team: Tim Taylor – Steve Killon (Chunk and Hack)

2nd Place Team: Dave Harris – Kevin McLaughlin (Hit some miss some)
About Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s
2017 Men’s Golf League
Join in Next Year! Call League Commissioner Brian Mullin 410-658-4343 x26.
Chesapeake Bay Golf Club’s Men’s Golf League is Open to the Public with 9 holes of competitive match play every Thursday from April-September. All interested golfers should plan to attend next year’s League Meeting that will be held in April, 2018. For more information, call League Commissioner Brian Mullin 410-658-4343 x26.
Men’s League Details
- Play 9 Holes of Golf Every Thursday
- Shotgun Start 5:30pm Thursdays at Rising Sun Course
- Open to the Public and Members
- Competition April-September
- April Practice Rounds for Only $25 includes Cart
- Discounted Group Lesson Rates
- Sign Up as a 2 person Team or Individually
League Format
- Match Play Every Week. You score points by beating your opponent in Head-to-Head Matches.
- You play in 5 Different Formats throughout the season. At the end of each format the teams with the most points will receive Gift Certificates.
- The values of Gift Certificates will rise throughout the season from Format to Format.
- The Point Values will rise throughout the season too. The first Format you can earn 1 Point for the Win, but the last Format of the season you can earn up to 5 Points.
- A player Rep will be used to help communicate and organize details throughout the season. Voted on first week of season.
- Proximity and Skill Contests will be worth Points as well as Cash prizes!
- Each week Points will be awarded based upon how you finish your match.